Saturday, August 9, 2008

Finally....the break before the School Starts......

Well...for those who don't know....i've already been working part time for at least 3 weeks straight....w/o any rest and i even work on sat n sunday...damn tired....i even overslept on one of the day i was supposed to work.....felt so apologetic towards my colleague as that day turns out to be a rough day and all of them had a tough time going....really paiseh....really recently....i was drained out...physically and mentally.....phsically as in i went for soccer on monday and also running on tuesday plus swimming on wednesday......well i felt i needed it as i've been real lazy for a long long time....just need some challenges....SERIOUSLY in life.....without challenges and dreams....all talk is nothing...i shall set my goals on a few things before the end of this year.....these shall keep me going on the pursue of my dreams/goals.....

Recently really felt is so senseless and without any guiding's like.....everything have to DIY....these is no one to give u suggestions in life.....where to go....what to do....what to buy....what to's all in the guy up there(our brain).... seriously i haven't been using my fulfil man's most basic needs/wants....the only thing that keep human thinking and improving are unattainable dreams....just like one of the game i'm playing...FF7 - Crisis Core....there's a part which the male lead was asked what he wants to be.....and he replied....."I want to be a Hero.."..... the higher management and his mentor replied saying "unattainable dreams are the best kind" --> which i think is true.....dreams without any mark leaves people to keep going and never give up hope....human is known for creating miracles....success and developements isn't it?

I will get used to life this way....i will set my time/goals and pursue my dream....maybe i should find one day....go for a soul-seeking journey to find out what do i really want in my's my life....i shall decide how i want it to be.....maybe....i have been too dependent and thus felt such a lost in really....depressing...i will move on....just like what people always says


Not Forgetting....nice fireworks last night....Happy Birthday Singapore....

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