Monday, September 28, 2009

Yeah....Over One Milestone...

ahsun: =) Wow....the long-awaited first system release for my semester long project finally over.... haha.... rehearsal was on 1pm today and our presentation was scheduled to be on 3pm.....all was well when we ran through the rehearsal beforehand.... but...... A BUG WAS there we were....trying to find and solve the bug.... lol..... luckily for us.... managed to solve it and went for the presentation..... this time round....we adopt something different from the norm....we use role playing to describe the scenario of different user types using our portrait our system's function.... haha... well..i can say it well v smoothly...except for the evaluator....a bit....weird i guess...focus on minor details instead of our main functionalities....nevertheless....GOOD JOB Team~~~ hahaha....we have more to do....but i can feel the project coming to an end more month...let's jiayou ba~~
"铁要经过提炼才能变成钢材,人要经过磨炼才能变成人才 。。。"

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