Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Xmas gathering and Festive Celebrations...

Yeah....xmas is here and over in a flash.... Jingle all the way... wow.....thinking back for the year 2007....i have had a series of events happening.....

Still in camp counting down for Chinese new year and Ord DAte -> Launch of 7 D duty cycle -> Saw my friends leaving for civilian life one by one -> my turn to Ord ( or defer ) -> long awaited NUS Studies -> fighting in NUS place for STudents -> exams and Tough lectures to go thru + endless nights of midnight oil -> Exam period -> stress -> holidays ( yeah ) -> holiday jobs -> pre xmas celebrations for birthday boy (ck + law ) -> xmas presents shopping and exchange -> Xmas dinner and Eve drinking session + BBQ -> counting down to NEW YEAR 2008!! HUAT AH!!!! sum it up....this year has been fun filled and full of happy and also sad the new year comes....we have to look forward and my plans for next save more $$$ and invest -> grow.....lastly....PROTECT!!!

heehee.....sounds like insurance agent but i think it's really true.....these 4 cycle are essential for good money mastery lor....everyone should have financial literacy taught to them or by's your own money we're toking about.....hope everyone will have new resolution for the new year and also Happy New Year!!!! Pull yr Ear!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Busy Week work like a Cow....Moo~~~

Wow....2 weeks have past since holidays....hmmm...what have i done....actually nothing much i have achieve....haiz....sianz....nvm lar...festive seasons are really everyone shopping here n there due to year end sale....what have u bought??

For me just waitin for pay day so i can buy all the stuff i need to buy...still thinking of xmas gift ideas.....any suggestions ar pls say in the chat bar on my right....haha....well i guess every year this period of time is the most brain cell killing period as we need to think of what to buy and how to allocate yr spendings on....for office workers will have bonus...students like me have to get part time job to work hard and prepare for the new year and work hard towards my GOALS....

Past few days have been working like cow at International Plaza NTUC Learning Hub for Customer Service...although time really flies....but i also managed to earn quite a bit due to OT and long working hrs lor....sONG Bo.....heehee....hope i can earn as much as possible lor....dun wanna remain so poor during chinese new year....wanna buy something to treat myself....feel that i never really been good to myself since ages ago... like buying clothes....things i want....on my wish lists....time to clear my wish lists and set new ones along the way....i guess everyone has a wish list ba....haha....i hope this xmas everyone can get what they want and also stay happy always...and i hope yan will be much happier....though i know she hasn't been happy lately and ever since she lost a fren...a long-time fren...i really do hope that she can remake this old fren or rather meetup with this fren lor....this has been a lock inside her heart for yrs....i just hope the key will be found soon...the biggest regret in life are doing things that u want to do but dare not do....

So i say...." Do whatever you want to, becos you only have this one chance to walk this path"

Friday, December 7, 2007


Wow....It's holiday already....time really semester is over....still got 6 more!!! argh.........haha... but i know i will go thru it......i must go thru it and will work hard thru the times in university....well...i can say it has been a tough sem at nus as firstly.....two yrs of slacking time.....and totally new study way of learning and teaching.....well....i can only say all these are excuses's all up to the guy up there---- yr brain to adapt to the changes around someone has said....we all have the same neurology...haha.... = part time job time....haha....if not the holiday will be such a waste of itme....unless u tell me that u sutdy everyday at home den it's a different story....currently trying to finish some project and also pick up new programming languages for my future use.....php,java, name a few....but i know these needs time to achieve....hope i will be more enthusiatic to learn as a book i read last night says that:

"The main difference of a warrior and a normal person is that the warrior treats everything as a challenge whereas the normal person leaves the outcome to fate.....becoming a toy of the hands of FATE..."

I think i need more motivational books and passion to fight my way out....feel that currently i'm back to the own ways....feeling lost and no sense of direction.....i need to strengthen my mind and be determined to do it....things i have laid out....i must do it!!!

Therefore....i hope my next post...i will be able to say that i have done all the stuff i promise myself...and learnt all the new then...i will treat myself to something a reward....heehee.....xmas is coming soon....hohoho~~~

Such extreme weather changes these few days....well...have been feeling so heavy with running nose and flu.....cant stand it.....den stupid eye got this small shadow like thing.....kaoz....dunno what is it...hope it can just go away by itself....dun wanna waste money on seeing doc for this kinda stuff.....wish all my frenz a happy holiday ahead and also MErry Xmas!!! HOHOHOHO