Monday, August 29, 2011

2/3 of 2011 gonez.... what have you achieved??

ahsun: =)

Ask yourself this question, 2011 has already left with only 4 months to go.... what have you done? Are you doing things that are bringing you closer towards your goal or drifting further away from what you want? Are you taking the necessary steps to make contact, talk to people whom you want to know, meet up with old friends, talk to your family, tell someone about your dreams and goals, making things happen???

Life is that simple actually, it's either you are driven by things that you want(PULL), or driven by things or circumstances that you do not want(PUSH)... it's all about balance isn't it...

Come Oct 26th, i'll be heading to shanghai for company trip for 4 days 3 night with manulife. It's a kind of appreciation for the hard work being put in during the past 8 months... but the game is not over yet, we must always aim higher and for the unexpected, which others didnt thought that you could do it;

" Tell yourself you can do it or not, either way you're right!!! "

Something that i learned during my ups and downs in this business; Staying positive might not bring you the results that you want, but staying negative will definitely kill off all opportunities and results that u strive to achieve. Hence, i always take things lightly as i truly believe in the things that i do for others. Just like luck, others always blame it on luck, whether good or bad, but eventually it boils down to 2 things; preparation and opportunity, as i believe that luck is merely preparation meeting opportunity, as we need to be always prepared for chances when it comes, grab it and woohoo!!!

Still alot of things to be achieved, and recently there're also good news within the down days as well;
1. HDB finally approved my Housing Loan for my yishun flat, *phew... now can relaxed a bit and wait for signing of lease to arrive and pick a good day to sign!!! Hahaha
2. I struck TOTO.... so heng
3. Things like looking brighter in work and personal life
4. Building more networks around me
5. Going for my graduation photo taking with family this coming weekend!!!
6. Achieved my 30% tier of bonus for august!! hoooray!!!!

It's always good to share good news with friends who are still reading my blog, i thank you guys for the support; nevertheless, let's work hard towards the end of the year before 2012 comes and achieve all our goals and dreams together!!

Jiayou!!! Quoting from one of the greatest motivator Paul. J Meyer, he said that:

"If you don't have discipline, you have NOTHING!" Work hard and aim high!! =)

" Dreams & Goals Are Outside of Comfort Zone.... Break it!!! "

Sunday Afternoon with my family.... =)

ahsun: =)

" Dreams & Goals Are Outside of Comfort Zone.... Break it!!! "